Your Path Will Become Clear

Trust with an open heart and your path will become clear.
The Fool does not leap for leaping's sake, The Fool leaps into the unknown because they have found Divine inspiration. The Fool has complete trust that when she leaps, the parachute will appear, that the next step on the path will materialize.


The Fool is Divinely Guided. 

It is time to move on from the patriarchal old structures of being in the world. They have gotten you this far, but they have reached their limits of usefulness. What modes of moving in the world are you ready to release? What have you clearly outgrown by now?  
As we leap and let go, the Divine Mother sees this, she is pleased and so happily knitting together for you a new pathway, a new tool or a new way of being. This is temperance, this is Divine alchemy. 

Temperance is Grace.


Grace cannot be manipulated into being, it is a gift from Source. 
It will not just happen through sheer will or brute force. It comes from Trust.
Instead, leap whole-heartedly into your path, your magic, your healing, trusting that your efforts will be seen and acknowledged by the Great Mystery.

There is nothing holding you back but your shadow, your fear, yourself. So embrace your fears, hold them tightly in a mother's hug and leap! Leap into the unknown, fear and all. 


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