Upcoming events.

Breathwork for Ancestral Guidance
Join me in a Virutal Breathwork Healing Circle and Guided Meditation. Heal, realease and connect with spirit. Sliding Scale pricing.

October Tarot Salon
Learn the symbolism, archetypes and folklore of the tarot in a casual community setting with Intuitive Tarot Reader and Teacher, Sharon Ruedeman in this monthly workshop at Folklore. Each class we will work on a Major Arcana card or group of cards, discuss the anatomy of the card(s), practice using our intuition and end by giving each other tarot readings. Open for all levels of tarot enthusiasts, and for those looking to connect with their own intuition and learn more about the Tarot as a self-care tool.

Tourist Grand Opening Party
Come by and celebrate the Grand Opening of Tourist, a new camping goods store at the Garcia Street family. I’ll be there offering donation based mini tarot readings from 7:30-9p.

Woof Stock
I will be at the Woof Stock event offering Mini Tarot Readings and Animal Reiki Sessions!

The Morning Ritual
The Morning Ritual - How to create and stick to a daily personal practice

September Tarot Salon
Learn the symbolism, archetypes and folklore of the tarot in a casual community setting with Intuitive Tarot Reader and Teacher, Sharon Ruedeman in this monthly workshop at Folklore. Each class we will work on a Major Arcana card or group of cards, discuss the anatomy of the card(s), practice using our intuition and end by giving each other tarot readings. Open for all levels of tarot enthusiasts, and for those looking to connect with their own intuition and learn more about the Tarot as a self-care tool.