The Morning Ritual - Fall 2023

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About This Course:

The Morning Ritual is a month long workshop consisting of a small group of folks wanting to create a sustainable personal daily practice.The purpose is to help each individual create a personal daily mindfulness practice over the course of 30 days in order to build a strong new habit.

This is the second iteration of this workshop, for the fall semester mid-Oct to mid-Nov.

Enrollment will be open from until 10/22/23 - First live call is on Monday, 10/24

If this sounds like something you're interested in joining, sign up below. There are 2 payment plans available.


If you've ever felt like it was just impossible to stick to a daily mindfulness routine, this workshop is for you!

  • "This is a course for developing your own regular practice, and I found it very effective for having the right amount of support, accountability, guidance, and creativity...go into it with an open mind, open heart, and commitment to yourself, and I think you will find what you're looking for!

    John David D. | TMR Spring ‘23

  • "Doing this has been really helpful over the last few months - so thanks for the push to keep up w it 💖"

    Carly M. | TMR Spring ‘23

  • "Sharon is amazing at what she does, she's warm and engaging and intuitive. I was in awe at the messages coming up for me, they were so accurate and on point, it's like she was reading my mind. After breathe work, my face was literally kidding! I know I made the right decision choosing her...”

    Anonymous | Magical Mix 1on1 Session

  • "The timing was perfect for a zoom workshop, each section was just the right length for staying in the zone without getting distracted while being at home. Sharon was the perfect guide as she explained the process in advance and gave students space and support equally with her voice, tone and pace."

    Jenny C. | Virtual Breathwork Group

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳


Sharon an intuitive guide and teacher utilizing her training in yoga, breathwork, reiki and tarot to help others learn to heal and help themselves. She is honored to guide you into finding your personal morning ritual.

What’s Included

  • 4 Group live calls to take a deep dive into the week’s lesson. Recorded and sent out within 24 hours.

  • Each week receive a new recorded audio meditation to try out. (4 total)

  • Add to your mindfulness toolbox with new meditation and mindfulness skills and tools like breathwork, grounding practices and divination styles.

  • With group live calls and optional accountability partners, create a supported yet personal daily practice.

  • This is more than just a new habit building course, its a wild transformative experience.

  • Optional discounted wellness sessions available just for course participants.

Course FAQ

  • The live portion of the class is 4 weeks from Oct 22- Nov 18th.

    After that you still have access to the student portal to continue working at your own pace.

  • This class is for anyone who has struggled with creating or sticking to a daily practice. This is for anyone wanting to learn new mediation, divination or personal reflection skills. This course is for anyone looking to gather with like minded souls and anyone looking for a way to heal their heart or connect more deeply with their intution.

  • Yes! There is a 2 payment options available, see below.

  • Enrollment is is currently closed.

    This class will soon be available as a self guided download.