The Hermit’s Path
Finding your own pacing in September.
As we say goodbye summer … there can sometimes be a frantic or anxious mood to the “back to school” season, but I’m here to suggest that September could feel differently!
I’m wondering, “how can we move into Autumn in a less capitalistic way, and instead take the best pace for our individual nervous systems? “
For me, I look to the guidance of the season; here we are in Virgo, a time ruled by Mercury and represented in the Tarot by The Hermit. This earth sign shows us how to be here now. Represented by the number 9, which also tells us that this is a solo act, not a group activity. It is a deep inwardly focused journey.
For help in finding the rhythm that works best for us, we can look to the archetype of The Hermit to show us how to handle any big project, life transition or to do list. Using the light of The Hermit’s torch, we can only see what is directly in our path. Therefore, the advice is to pause, take stock, look at what is right in front of you. As each step is completed, the next one is revealed, and so moving step by step is the way of The Hermit.
Want more guidance? Get your free tarot reading on finding your rhythm for the month ahead below. 👇
Take a deep breath, tuck your chin slightly and put one or two hands on your heart. Think about the month ahead, all the hopes and dreams, the worries and the fears, the to-do lists and the social lists and changing of the season. With your next exhale let all of that go back into the ether with your breath, there will be time for it all. Let your breath bring you more and more into this moment, let the path ahead become clearer and clearer. When you feel ready choose one of the cards from the above 1 - 2 - or 3. Then scroll down for your September Tarot Reading.
If you chose Card 1
The Hanged One (Man)
September may be a bit uncomfortable, but it will be filled with new perspectives and new ways of viewing yourself and your world. The thing is, as you allow yourself to surrender to the present moment, especially the ones that make you cringe or stress, you will arrive at these beautiful aha moments and realizations. If you allow yourself to hang out in the proverbial discomfort, you will be bettered for it. Take it slow, be easy on yourself, and invite in your deep breathes when things start to get ramped up or anxiety filled.
If you chose Card 2
The Tower
Nothing is as constant as change, honey. This month is all about rolling with the punches and allowing for changes to reshape your rhythm. I have a feeling that if you continue full steam ahead without taking stock or noticing your surroundings you’ll be in for a big upset this month. Instead, how can you take notice of the things, people, places, etc that are ready to be release into the wind and surrender to that. I know change can be hard, but it is inevitable, so its up to you whether to fight it or try your best to roll with it. Suggested listening “Things Happen” by Dawes.
If you chose Card 3
The High Priestess
Your intuition is strong and ready to guide you through the month of September and beyond. The practice is to ask your guides/ higher self what do rather than using your thinking mind. If you’re new to this practice it may be helpful to start small, asking simple questions like ‘this or that’ style questions. Pause and really listen, it is rarely the first voice or instinctual urge that is the answer, but the softer, subtler pull /voice that comes through. You have all the answers inside you already, learning how to listen is your task this month. And don’t worry if you look strange to others, keeping your eyes on your own paper this month will also be key.