Balance in the In Between
Transitional seasons can often be a little hard to navigate.
They come with excitement but also exhaustion. There’s so much on the proverbial to-do lists and the social calendars. There’s a lot of worry out there, a lot of folks I know have lost their jobs or been laid off recently, and many people are transitioning into a new phase of life, career or relationship. That’s why the October tarot reading is focused around how to find balance and be in the moment this month. Scroll down for your free reading!
This is Libra season, aka Justice season (in the tarot) and this is a time ruled by air and the planet Venus. It’s an exciting time, the leaves are changing, there may be new romance budding or possibly a new creative endeavor coming your way. But on the shadow side there is a tendency to overthink, worry or and get swept away with it all.
As a native Libra, I want you to know that you can daydream, ruminate, flirt your face off and have your cake and eat it too (because let’s be real, Libras love cake). And you can do all of these things while also feel grounded and safe in your body. This season I want to offer you the both/and of things, because as any Libra will tell you, it’s all about balance, baby!
Last month in my new workshop, Tarot Salon we spoke in depth about how the Justice card can actually help us Be Here Now. The depth of libra/justice season is about creating a just and balanced world both personally and for your community and the world at large. These are big concepts and most likely too big to go into detail here, but the main point I want you take with you during this time period is that in order to move forward, make change or bring in the deep wishes you’ve been dreaming about, you also have to acknowledge what it here with you now, whether you find it beautiful or not, it deserves your attention and acknowledgment.
Let me bring it back to the individual level, we just recently moved through the Autumnal Equinox, one of my favorite days of the year, a day when there is equal dark and equal light. (Both / And) This day marks not only the beginning of Libra season, but also the beginning of returning to darker days come winter. The equinox portal shows us that while we can strive to live a life of light + love we also must bow to our shadows, our hurts and our death cycles. And we can do it with grace and humility.
So dear reader, I’m wondering, where can you offer yourself a little bit of wiggle room to just be this month. How can you let your imagination run a little wild and envision something even bigger for yourself while also acknowledging what is here wiht you right now in this moment, calling for your attention. You might even find the two are related.
While there is going to be no doubt tons of opportunities to socialize and get outside this season at harvest festivals, first dates and leaf appreciation walks, there is also ample time to go within, to connect with your inner world with nurturing and kindness, to offer yourself grounding, rest and reconnection.
And that’s exactly the kind of thing we will be focusing on in the next offering of The Morning Ritual. The portal has officially opened for those of you who are ready to sign up and are ready to make small but impactful changes in your life. Click here for more info.
And now without further ado, scroll down for your October Tarot reading.
Your October Tarot Reading
Take a deep breath and think about what is currently going on in your life, where you would like to be heading, and anything that has been currently taking up space in your thinking mind. Then on your next exhale, choose a card from the image above and then scroll down for your reading.
If you chose card 1, you chose the Four of Cups.
What have you had absolutely enough of already? There may be a tendency this month to overindulge, take on too much or wallow a little bit. But the Four of Cups would like to invite you into practicing to say, “I’ve had enough.” Try turning in early this month, taking on one less task or maybe starting a sobe-curious journey. And remember, if others are trying to influence you otherwise, maybe they don’t have your best interests at heart.
If you chose card 2, you chose the 10 of Cups Rx
The ten of cups reversed suggests that perhaps something you thought was going to be amazing might not have turned out how you wanted. Maybe things just didn’t pan out this time, and perhaps you are hurting, but don’t let a sour experience turn you away from the magic of the everyday. Can you allow the blessing of a rainbow or the bird song in the morning lift your spirits, even just for a moment?
If you chose card 3, you chose the 10 of Swords.
I know it’s Libra season, and you;ve been thinking quite a lot, but it;s time to get out of your head and stop beating yourself up. Overthinking the past or worrying about the future will not change anything, but it will ruin the current moment or prevent you from getting a good nights sleep. The 10 of Swords wants you to dance, run, yell, or write it out so you can stop living in your head and start enjoying the here & now. Take action now.