Underworld Journeys + Shadow Work
Shadow work and underworld journeys, so called negative emotions. Explore the depths to which we can transform when we embrace the entire spectrum of human emotions, make space for death, transformation and grief and allow ourselves to open up to what is truly possible in this lifetime.
Recently in a tarot class I was teaching, I was asked a poignant question of what Shadow work is. We were speaking about Death and the themes and symbolism of the Death card and Scorpio season, so naturally these topics sort of bubbled up. And to be honest, they are some of my favorite things to discuss. These are not dark or morbid things; these are quite natural topics and rather common throughout our lives as humans. If we are on a path or self-discovery, then we will at some point be doing our Shadow work, there’s no way around it.
It feels like in the western culture we live in here in the US, we do not often make room or space for a discussion around death, shadow work, healing from trauma, and what people might categorize as “negative” experiences. Emotions and experiences like anger, sadness, anxiety, fear or shame are nothing to be well, ashamed of, nor are they meant to be hidden or brushed under the rug.
A few years back, I went to a concert with a friend and for some reason the overcrowding and the vibes of the venue really affected me. Before I knew it, I was having a really bad time, filled with anxiety, ruminating thoughts and spiraling. When we left the show, my friend was like that band was amazing, thanks for bringing me and I had to admit to him that I had no idea how the show went, I spent the whole time freaking out silently in a full-blown panic attack. He was shocked, why hadn’t I said anything? We talked and laughed it out, and when he was dropping me off he said thank you for sharing my experience with him. He said no one ever talks about this stuff like anxiety in his family or friends’ group, and the fact that I so easily shared my experience with him while he drove me home meant a lot to him and made him feel less alone in these experiences.
In recent years, we have collectively moved through more and more horrific events in human history like a worldwide pandemic, multiple wars involving the killing of innocent people, people losing their homes, race riots, climate collapse and natural disasters, and loss of family, friends, jobs, money, security, human rights, just so much loss. So if you are still feeling like your so called negative emotions need to be hidden away, well honey, I’m here to hand you a permission slip to let it out. You are allowed to cry, scream, rage, freak the fuck out and release anything that is needing to be released (as long as you’re not taking it out or laying it down on some unknowing bystander or loved one). Responsible releasing and emotionally hygienic practices are always available and possible.
So, to answer the very innocent question of what is Shadow Work, THIS IS SHADOW WORK. An underworld journey to explore the truest depths of the human scope and experience is not just for the so-called spiritual person, it is for everyone and it is a part of being a human. It is grief for the world right now, it is grief for who you used to be, what never came and what is yet to appear, it is anger at the way things are and anger to help make change for the better.
It is the yearning and longing to make change out of the depths of sadness and fear and anxiety because you know there is a better way to live and pretending that things are “just fine,” is simply not cutting it anymore. It’s time to look at the so called uglier parts of ourselves, and the uglier parts of our histories and face them head on.
This time of year is especially helpful for moving through these kinds of journeys, at least if you are living in the northern hemisphere. We are in the month of Hekate, the goddess who is here to guide you through your Underworld journey. We are in Death season, Scorpio season, the ending of Autumn where the last of the leaves are falling and getting ready to compost the earth for new life. You too can make this kind of space and composting in your life. As we moved through this last eclipse of the year this weekend, I’m sure something has come up for you that has felt like a letting go, a no more, a thing that is just ready to be released, and so I encourage you to let it go. Release it into water, fire, air or earth or recycle it into the softest soil for the new stuff that is wanting to come in for you. We are in times of major and rapid change, don’t fight it, it’s a losing battle. Instead, learn the tools that will help you most through these transitions.
If you are looking for some help in these Death endeavors, I have quite a few resources for you coming up through the month.
The Wyrd Way – this month I go a little more in depth into these themes, with tarot knowledge and spell work that can help you release and do your shadow work. Plus we will go into a deep dive for Hekate on the pod towards the middle of this month.
Scroll down for your Death/Scorpio Season tarot reading.
Book a 1on1 session with me for some insights into what’s coming up next, what’s ready to go or perhaps just some reiki energy to help move things along or protect your newly opened energies.
Lastly – the thing I’m most excited about is I’m bringing back a very popular breathwork group – Breathwork for Ancestral Guidance at the end of this month. It’s going to be powerful, and not only an amazing way to connect with the spirit world, but a powerful clearing as well. Sign up now and make space on your calendar for this important work. Sliding scale pricing for this one.
Your November Tarot Reading
Take a deep breath, think about who you are becoming, what goals you are heading towards, what you’re desiring to bring into your life right now. Then think about what habits, change or old ways have been coming up for you that are ready to be released. Then choose card 1 - 2 - or 3 and scroll down for your Tarot reading around how to make this death and letting go process a bit easier this season.
If you chose Card 1: 9 of Cups
Keep Digging
I know things have been harder than usual lately, that you’ve had to face some strong truths about yourself, your relationships and how you want to show up in them. And in doing so there has been so much grief, so much letting go, but also so much joy, space and almost a lightness to this release. A weight has been lifted, and in saying goodbye to the old ways, you have discovered some important jewels and nuggets of truth that you really love about yourself. Isn’t it beautiful? These little crystals of self-love need your nurturing right now, how can you make space to grow these little baby seedlings over the next season so that when Spring comes again you will be the most magnificent beautiful butterfly the world has ever seen. I believe in you.
If you chose Card 2: 4 of Wands
Structure And Play
Things have been a little all over the place lately, huh? Well maybe it’s time to set yourself up so that your life has some kind of grounding, schedule or basic structure that keeps everything moving a bit more smoothly. An unsupported building will crumble, so how can you add supportive practices, people or systems to your current dreams? Remember too that play is an important part of life, so don’t forget to schedule in creative time, play dates and dancing for the hell of it into your weekly planner.
If you chose Card 3: 4 of Cups
Enough Already
What have you had absolutely enough of that you are ready to say no more to? It’s time to sit back, reflect on all that you have gone through this year. This is the transition and digestion time before the next thing arrives. After we have cried all the tears out, allow for replenishment, allow for big deep breaths. Your time is coming, but first you have to decided that enough is enough of the old, before you take on a new task.